Fill Out the 2023 National Motorcycle Profiling Survey

The Motorcycle Profiling Project has issued its 2023 National Motorcycle Profiling Survey. The survey asks motorcycle riders and biker club members around the country to share their experiences with police profiling in order to help the organization promote bikers’ rights nationwide. The Bay Area United Motorcycle Rider Coalition highlighted the survey in a recent newsletter.
Biker civil rights attorney William E. Weiss is a strong advocate for the rights of motorcycle riders in the Bay Area and across the State of California. Our motorcyclist civil rights law firm strongly supports the efforts of the Motorcycle Profiling Project, and we’d encourage bikers and club members in California to fill out the survey in support of the cause.
If you’ve been unlawfully detained or otherwise had your rights violated as a motorcycle rider in the Bay Area, call a zealous Bay Area motorcyclist civil rights lawyer.
Why Are We Advocating for the National Motorcycle Profiling Survey?
Profiling is a serious problem for motorcycle riders in the Bay Area and around the country. If you’ve ridden a motorcycle, whether in an urban area or on a rural road, you may have experienced police profiling, i.e., unequal treatment based solely on the fact that you ride a motorcycle.
I’ve had clients and friends pulled over, questioned, and even detained based solely on the fact that they were riding a motorcycle or that they were wearing a motorcycle jacket or other club-related clothing. Bikers are just like any other motorists on the road, and we should be treated the same. There should be no police stop or detention without probable cause, and neither riding a motorcycle nor participating in a motorcycle club is sufficient grounds to believe that a person committed a crime. It’s profiling, plain and simple.
California law already prohibits motorcycle-only checkpoints. The California legislature has previously adopted resolutions recognizing the prevalence of motorcycle profiling, although more explicit prohibitions on motorcyclist profiling have not yet been signed into law. Motorcycle rights advocates in California and around the country hope to make that change in the near future.
The Motorcycle Profiling Project aims to define the profiling trends across the country so as to focus lobbying efforts where they’re needed most. Past survey efforts have definitely shown the existence of motorcyclist profiling, and it’s important to keep data current to continue to fight this unjust practice.
The National Motorcycle Profiling Survey aims to collect current data on motorcyclist profiling trends nationwide. The survey is short, asking only a few questions about each participant’s location, experience being profiled, club affiliation, and support for politicians who oppose motorcyclist profiling. No personal identifying information is required; each participant’s privacy and anonymity are assured.
The survey can be found here. If you are a member of a motorcycle club or otherwise a motorcycle rider, we hope that you will support the motorcycle rider civil rights cause by filling out the survey.
If you’re a California motorcyclist and have been targeted by law enforcement for exercising your constitutional rights of free speech or expression as a biker, find out if you have a right to take legal action based on harassing conduct by contacting the professional, dedicated Bay Area motorcycle rights lawyer William E. Weiss at 415-362-6765.